#shisui icons
pfpanimes · 1 month
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⌕ naruto - shisui uchiha.
like or reblog if you save/use. 🤍
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cherrygoesiconic · 8 months
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[the girls - icons]
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zenathered · 11 months
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It's a Fall Guys with friends on XIV (so wild) halloween night tonight so have to go in costume.
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sara-najjar-5 · 1 year
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The king of #Uchiha
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sporadic-icons · 2 years
Naruto Shisui Uchiha RP Icons
Free to use. Likes or reblogs are cool.  Icons are from Chibi Sasuke’s Sharingan Legend.  There are 2 of them.  
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supremebirb · 2 years
     ⌮ @airusu :: INBOX CALL ( Itachi @ Shisui ) "You are a terror, aren’t you?"
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SHISUI aaand now he's cheeky. the dimple in his cheek says as much as a glimmer in the eyes would have done. the doctor's office lies still & quiet around them; not a rustle of his potted plant's sun-deprived leaves or scff of feet against the threadbare carpet.    the world is dark. his palms are warm.      & if he squishes itachi's cheeks a little bit, well.       why not?
"that's a compliment coming from you." how menacing his little cousin's reputation, now! "still, i don't hear any Villages passing the order to retreat upon sighting you, so." squish squish. "i feel like you're not really trying. am i right?" ooh, dreadful hamster ninja. doom of all worlds, gremlin for the ages. "do we need to train, tachi?" petulance more faux than fur—as if he wouldn't get his ass handed to him. shisui's days of retreat upon sight are behind him - itachi's perhaps before him.
    it's not really a compliment.     want to go home want to go home want to go home
"i just don't quit easy. fucker tried to recruit me, y'know? i let him." in so few syllables, it doesn't sound harrowing. a business trip, an outing with colleagues. economically packaged to fit into a recess in his mind that is the perfect shape for it. "remind me to thank fugaku-sama for at least not signing us up for Root." squish.      itachi's face is skinny. under his palms, the faint speckled trace of chakra paints its outline like so many stars in the void- the tremor in his chest does not reach his voice. it nags instead in a mockery of his own auntie's: "yOu nEed To eAt moRe." ( a flick of the wrist in the fairly precise direction of the tin of taffy treats on the desk— )
his voice is even. the slant of his mouth is a touch cocky, relaxed. but his palms keep drifting over that face. the angle of a jaw that's grown firmer / cheekbones more pronounced - no more baby face. uchiha itachi, who almost ended a bloodline. ...their bloodline.    "do i tell you i've missed you?" the words are murmured onto the very lips that utter them, hoarded there / thinned under pressure. "yeah, i think i will."
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yellowocaballero · 2 months
i very much enjoy the extremely scientific analysis of the naruto verse in which there are three genders, aka naruto, sasuke, and Woman.
AM I WRONG? AM I WRONG? pulls down projection screen and plays powerpoint
Obviously let's give room for nuance. A ton of Naruto characters don't fall into these gender norms. This does predominantly apply to the rampant proliferation of the three-person dynamics that were assigned by the government and dictate your entire life. And, like, society. It does not end. Gender isn't a biological factor in Naruto, it's a social dynamic constructed entirely by your homoerotic tension with other men. And there are so many.
Madara (S), Hashirama (N), Mito (W). Izuna (N) and Tobirama (S) - tragically, Izuna died before women could be invented. Sarutobi (N), Danzo (S, horrifically) - see above about women not being invented yet. Jiraiya (N), Orochimaru (S), Tsunade (W). Yahiko (N), Nagato (S), Konan (W). Obito (N), Kakashi (S), Rin (W). Shisui (N), Itachi (S), that little deeply unimportant girlfriend (W). Um, fucking, Naruto (N), Sasuke (S), Sakura (W). Even - even, fuckin, Rock Lee (N), Neiji (S), Tenten (W).
And what do they all have in common????
(OT3. They're all OT3s. Is what I'm saying).
There is some room for alternative gender expressions here, like being butch or femme. Naruto gender expressions: teacher, otouto, woman who you can't even tell is woman gendered because she has no backstory but you just have to kinda assume that she has a polycule-based backstory where she was Woman Gender. I feel almost as if 2/3rds of the Rookie 9 are liberated from this. InoShikaCho just doesn't fit (their chaotic cousin energy is just too strong and Ino's too much of a lesbian). Hinata's too busy being defined entirely by a different throuple's N to have codependent dynamics with her own N and S (and I'm hesitant to even say that, since I actually don't know if Kiba and Shino have a codependent rivalry - do they?).
I get, like, the reason for all of this. Curse of Hatred. Cycles. N and S Genders being sourced from demigods or something. Narrative parallelism. Sympathy points. It's not the bad guy's fault he's evil, his N and W gendered counterparts died :(. But an extremely strange side-effect of this is that all of the male characters are, like, Just Naruto or Just Sasuke. But the vast majority of the female characters are - like, completely defined by the men in their lives - but also they are more likely to be a unique person. Mito, Sakura, and Rin have actually nothing in common. Writing so sexist it creates more interesting characters?!?!
Unironically, this is why I'm always saying that Sasunaru is the ship of all time, nothing will ever top it, you will NEVER do it like Sasunaru, etc. Every important relationship in the series is meant to evoke Sasunaru. (Notably, none of the explicitly romantic ones. But we're beyond such paltry understandings of the most iconic pairing of all time as fundamentally based in romance. We're operating on a higher level than that). This unbroken chain of toxic yaoi has culminated at the end point of Sasunaru, and it exists to parallel Sasunaru and define their relationship by the dysfunction of generations of tragedy. That's why Naruto has to consciously break the cycle and free them from the generational hate - it was the only way to save Sasuke. This is also why I'm always saying that Sasunaru is the point of Naruto, and that the entirety of Naruto is about Sasunaru. Come back to me when your work has invented new genders in the all-encompassing pursuit of toxic yaoi.
This also means that the only truly gender non-conforming individuals in Naruto are its mightiest heterosexuals: Minato (W) and Kushina (N). Truly insane. The N/S/W configuration is the societal norm, it's bonkers to make a major good-aligned male character a wifeguy. By Naruto standards Minato and Kushina are the only queer couple.
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ayyyez · 2 years
Headcanons on shisui, minato, and Yamato on how they'd react to their s/o (civilian shinobi or otherwise:)) getting attacked and almost dying? 😭 need the agnst in my life rn I love ur work ur iconic uwu
A/N: the angsssst! but it's okay I love angst it's what I do haha but mostly as long as it has a happy ending because we deserve that as a treat as do they. And aw thanks sm!
TAGS: angst, reader attacked/almost dies, sad characters, mini scenarios rather than headcanons, mentions of hospitals, mentions of wounds, mentions of being impaled, no graphic injuries, characters blaming themselves, long post under cut
CHARACTERS: Shisui Uchiha, Minato Namikaze, Yamato
Shisui is usually the calm and collected one no matter the situation. He can take out any enemy. Always has a plan and can lighten any situation with a lighthearted quip should it call for it.
But this, oh god nothing can prepare him for this.
You're not supposed to be able to get hit. Your entire jutsu is supposed to be impenetrable. More so than that, he's supposed to be your eyes in case things go wrong, your back up.
The enemy found a weak spot though—pulled a thread in the seam everything falls apart right in front of him.
Shisui feels so powerless as he calls your name.
'I've got you.' He says, catching you just before you hit the ground.
He ducks for cover as kunai come at him from all sides. The rest of the squad focus on the guy who got you. Taking down the rest of the enemies is a sinch in comparison. He can't even think about anything else except getting you out and alive.
When he makes it through the thick of the trees he feels you tremble in his arms.
'Shisui.' You call his name, same as you have a thousand times before but this time it's so quiet, almost ghostly.
Shisui is terried to look down but he has to. He can't let you down by betraying his fears. He needs to make you feel safe.
'H-hey.' He doesn't mean to let his voice slip and tremble as he sees how you don't look so good. 'It's going to be alright. We're almost there.'
You manage a nod.
By the time he makes it to the medics you begin to fade and he panics. They take you off his hands and into the tent to tend to your wounds.
Shisui spends the whole time pacing outside pale as a ghost.
He can't sit or stand still. He's a jolting mess. He can barely accept the water or food offered to him by his comrades.
It's the longest wait of his life waiting for you to wake up.
'Shisui.' Is the first thing you say as you come to.
He cries he's so overcome with emotion. Takes your hand and drops his face against it. Poor Shisui is so exhausted and has been so scared he just loves you so much.
Guilt overwhelms Minato as he sits in the hospital room waiting for you to wake up.
He wasn't there when you had been injured because he held so much faith in your ability to hold your own and now he can't help but blame himself for being so carless. He should have been there. He should have been with you.
It's not that now he believes you can't handle yourself, it's that he should have been there anyway. Anyone can slip up. Anything can happen. This is proof of that and he knows that now.
If he could go back and do things differently— 
No it's too late for that. He would do right and better by you now.
He stays by your side each day waiting for you to wake up. He speaks to you, tells you little things about each day that are trivial but also deep things like how much he cares for you.
'I'm sorry.' He whispers, stroking your hand. 'I love you, I'll be here when you wake up.'
He lets go of your hand and walks over to the window to look out onto the village below.
Everything seems smaller, holds less meaning without you here awake beside him. It's like something is missing. He's no longer quite whole.
There's a stiring behind him and Minato turns wide eyed to find you coming to.
He can't quite believe it when your eyes flutter open.
'Mmm.' You groan. 'Damn that hurts.'
A soft chuckle escapes him and then a few tears too. Just a flood of relief hits at the signs of you being there.
Then you turn to him, a little more awake.
'Hey.' You say. 'What are you doing all the way over there, huh?'
And that's all it takes for him to just crowd you in the tightest (but also careful) hug.
'I'm so glad you're awake.' He whispers. 'I'm so sorry.'
'Don't be sorry.' You assure him. 'I'm glad you're here though.'
He pulls away and looks you deep in the eyes. 'I love you.'
It's enough to take your breath away. 'I love you, too.'
The image of you jumping in front of him to protect him is something Yamato will never forget. He's not sure he can forgive you for it either if you don't wake up.
He knows neither of you had a choice but— 
Seeing you there impaled is just not something he can ever forgive.
You should have let it hit him. Village be damned he'd rather—okay he would not rather hundreds of other people die instead of you getting injured but that's besides the point! He should never of had to see you that way. If you didn't worm your way into his life and make him care then— 
Oh who is he kidding.
Yamato could never be mad at you.
He's mad at himself. He should never have agreed to put you in this situation in the first place. There should have been a better strategy. He should have thought up a better strategy.
'It was an impossible situation, stop beating yourself up over it and just be there instead.'
Yamato lifts his head.
'Kakashi.' He balls his fists against his pants then sighs unfurling them. 'I know it's just—'
'Just that you think you could have strategised yourself out of an impossible situation now that it's over.'
'This is different.'
'It's always different with the people we care about.' He gives him a knowing expression. 'With the people we love.'
'I don't need a pep talk right now.'
'No but you also don't need to sit here waiting for someone to scold you like you've done something wrong.'
Yamato gives him a doubtful look.
'You both did your duty and what you wanted to do so now you ought to both be together for the waking up part.' Kakashi sighs. 'Neither of you are dying today.'
Yamato takes a deep breath letting it settle in his lungs before he exhales again. Kakashi was right. He needs to be by your side.
'Okay.' Is all he says before he stands and heads to your room, leaving his senpai behind.
The tension is palpable as he enters your room. The machines beeping and your assisted breathing fill his ears. He sits beside you timid as he shifts closer.
'Sorry, I took so long.' Is all he whispers as he wakes for you to wake.
Your eyes flicker open a few moments later as if to let him know it's alright. He's not mad anymore, only relieved. Loved.
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belit0 · 1 year
HELLO <D HOW ARE YOU?? i wanted to ask you how the uchihas would react if the reader wanted to be taking care of their skin etc.?? (basically, giving him a skincare routine)
take care of yourself!! <3
new HC revealed: Indra has sun freckles🤗💫
take care of yourself too, darling!!
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- To be completely honest, Indra doesn't need it. He's the type of person who washes his face with a brick and has flawless skin just the same. The suggestion of a skincare routine is strange, he doesn't understand it, but he assumes it's about all those products (Y/N) puts on every night and morning. He lends himself to it just to see if it makes a difference or if it's all bullshit, and is strangely fascinated by the glow of his skin once all the products are absorbed. His brown freckles glow like never before.
- What is that? Madara doesn't have good skin, often dealing with excessive oiliness and some closed comedones that provide a stubborn texture to his face, conditions that gave him self-consciousness all his adolescence and that he thought would be with him all his life, eventually getting used to it. When (Y/N) explains his task and proposes to treat his skin condition, he accepts with secret excitement for his texture to finally be fixed, and after months of diligent cleansing and repairing the skin barrier, he is a new man.
- Love... LOVE! Izuna has been in the skincare game for years, with lots of practice and countless products tested by his own face. Of course, he ruined his face a million times with different creams, learned the hard way to use retinoids, and the terrible importance of sunscreen, having already identified which products cause an acne outbreak and which do not. He is the one who ends up giving (Y/N) indications and putting together a routine for her, improving some aspects of it, and providing her with a necessary update for better results.
- The idea excites him, but with the false hope that some of these products will help him with his scars. Obito doesn't have the slightest idea about skincare, and after receiving those iconic marks on his face, no one explained to him how he should treat them. (Y/N), in the face of his illusion, does her best to find something with the effect he's hoping for, but no product is magic and no cream erases what life decides to do. His skin improves, considerably, and he is so excited to see certain changes he even starts to inquire about procedures to treat his face.
- Whatever. Another Uchiha who has perfect skin without making any effort, and hell he has a wonderful complexion. His own mother tried to introduce him to the world of personal care as a child, and seeing (Y/N) trying to do the same makes him nostalgic and tender. He will allow her to take care of his skin just to make her happy, but sees no results when she's done with the routine, and almost always forgets to implement it himself, not allowing the products to do anything for him.
- Indeed, wonderful. Itachi went through so much at such a young age that he looks like a forty-year-old man at 25, a terrible insult to a face as beautiful as his. The expression marks under his eyes don't bother him but he doesn't like them either, and if something can be done about it he would love it. The signs of stress are terribly noticeable, not grossly explicit but striking, dull skin and rudely black circles under his eyes. (Y/N) takes it upon her shoulders to improve her complexion and bring his battered skin back to life, and once they find a suitable routine, Itachi won't budge from his products even with a judge's order.
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itamis-multi-muses · 5 months
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Izumi. Izumi of the Uchiha Clan. Izumi Uchiha of Konohagakure.
I won’t stop being who I am, but I know my worth and I won’t be settling for less than I deserve~!
Inspired by @shisui-anon 💜🩵
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multisakunation · 5 months
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Hello! Welcome to my blog 🌸
This blog is aimed at couples who I think look good together aesthetically.
As Sakura is one of the characters closest to the main character, she ends up having a lot of "external" interactions (outside her team and outside the village).
And well, I've seen people ship couples for far fewer interactions. Sometimes the personalities don't match up well, but aesthetically it matches very well. So, I decided to create this blog with the intention of sharing these couples.
Before you ask: yes. I have a favorite couple and I could've made a blog just for them but I had a MultiSaku blog before and just decided to start over.
If you decide to send an ask, I kindly ask that you remain respectful and polite. I'm not forcing you to like what I like. And people have the right to like different things. If you don't like a couple that appears here, that's okay. I respect.
Icon credit go to @tenartist because I'm just obsessed with their art.
Thank you for reading this far 🩷
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Sasuke x Sakura = SasuSaku:
young sasusaku
genin sasusaku
au sasusaku
fav sasusaku
anbu sasusaku
Itachi x Sakura = ItaSaku:
young itasaku
genin itasaku
au itasaku
fav itasaku
anbu itasaku
Rock Lee x Sakura = LeeSaku:
young leesaku
genin leesaku
au leesaku
fav leesaku
anbu leesaku
Deidara x Sakura = DeiSaku:
young deisaku
genin deisaku
au deisaku
fav deisaku
anbu deisaku
Sasori x Sakura = SasoSaku:
young sasosaku
genin sasosaku
au sasosaku
fav sasosaku
anbu sasosaku
Naruto x Sakura = NaruSaku:
young narusaku
genin narusaku
au narusaku
fav narusaku
anbu narusaku
Madara x Sakura = MadaSaku:
young madasaku
genin madasaku
au madasaku
fav madasaku
anbu madasaku
Obito x Sakura = ObiSaku:
young obisaku
genin obisaku
au obisaku
fav obisaku
anbu obisaku
Darui x Sakura = DaruiSaku:
young daruisaku
genin daruisaku
au daruisaku
fav daruisaku
anbu daruisaku
Shisui x Sakura = ShiSaku:
young shisaku
genin shisaku
au shisaku
fav shisaku
anbu shisaku
Izuna x Sakura = IzuSaku:
young izusaku
genin izusaku
au izusaku
fav izusaku
anbu izusaku
Neji x Sakura = NejiSaku:
young nejisaku
genin nejisaku
au nejisaku
fav nejisaku
anbu nejisaku
Gaara x Sakura = GaaSaku:
young gaasaku
genin gaasaku
au gaasaku
fav gaasaku
anbu gaasaku
Sai x Sakura = SaiSaku:
young saisaku
genin saisaku
au saisaku
fav saisaku
anbu saisaku
Shino x Sakura = ShinoSaku:
young shinosaku
genin shinosaku
au shinosaku
fav shinosaku
anbu shinosaku
Kakuzu x Sakura = KakuSaku:
young kakusaku
genin kakusaku
au kakusaku
fav kakusaku
anbu kakusaku
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x-authorship-x · 11 months
When I tell you I laughed so hard I cried after seeing your tags in the "cuddle your icon" post, the "quietly book him into therapy" took me absolutely the fuck OUT omg I'm still giggling
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But also 🫶 what a loveable mess
also my icon is inoichi as well so Shisui is saying his iconic lines and Inoichi is right there on my other side like-
Shisui: "You may be forced to walk down a long, dark path. One that is filled with pain and suffering."
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purrrsuke · 4 months
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On this day of the first of June, the first day of pride, we celebrate the mother to THE gay icon, mikoto uchiha
Here's some personal hcs of mine of our queen:
• Despite always being dressed to the nines later on in her life, Mikoto always had a horrible sense of fashion that her eldest seems to have inherented. Fugaku is the true fashion icon between the duo and loves buying her clothes he thinks she'd look stunning in.
• When she was an active shinobi, Mikoto used to dress in a very masculine way, to the point that many thought she was a man which was beneficial to her since she was treated with less misogyny then her feminine dressed counterparts.
• She was konohas biggest heartbreaker because she shattered so many women's hearts when she married fugaku.
• To this day Fugaku won't admit that he wasn't sure of her gender identity since he wasn't sure her name was Mikoto or Makoto, all that he knew is that he wanted to marry them so color him surprised that he ended up in a heteronormative heterosexual marriage, didn't see that one coming
• She alone is the only one in the world that knows that Sasuke can sing, since he was shy and wanted to appear cool to itachi and shisui, she know he's little secret
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sara-najjar-5 · 2 years
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kankuroplease · 1 year
There is something about that tsau elevator that gives me such iconic vibes, like I just know there’s always something going down in that elevator. It just radiates main character moment vibes to me idk
It’s Shisui, and by that I mean it’s his elevator to to one of his penthouses. He’s got taste ✨
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stargliders · 1 year
Hey, I’m Shelby (she/hers)! Welcome to my multi-fandom blog. I'm a queer writer mainly active in the Naruto fandom. All my work is available on AO3.
This blog will also feature content from my other fandoms and misc. interests as outlined in my About page. I am NOT open to interacting with minors.
Fanfics under the cut
Naruto 🌀
The Sun Gives Life (to Everything But Us)
Sasori/Sakura I Rating: Explicit I Chapters: 4/? (Updated 2-17-24)
A vampire over two centuries old, Sasori has accumulated enough wealth and power that life lost all excitement; even the sweetest blood no longer eases his ennui. He returns to Japan only to encounter a fiery young courtesan named Sakura who proves otherwise. (For Sasori Week 2023, Day 1: Preservation/Fear)
Pas de Deux
Sasori/Sakura I Rating: Mature I Chapters: 3/? (Updated 3-16-24)
Sasori made a name for himself performing in iconic ballets until a career-ending injury forced him into teaching. Sakura is auditioning for the leading role in the National Ballet School of Japan’s Giselle, and she has no choice but to defer to him and his harsh methods. She can do it. She’s not perfect, but she’s getting there. Except almost good enough isn’t enough for Sasori, and Sakura is determined to prove him wrong even while she falls for him—even if it destroys her.
A Devilish Curiosity
Sasori-centric [Gen] I Rating: Teen I One-shot
Sasori goes hunting for a novel bee species on the outskirts of Sunagakure, eager to use its unusually potent venom to create an even deadlier poison. Like all artists who push the limits, he faces the consequences.
Not a Love Like Mine, a Ruin
Kakashi/Sakura I Rating: Explicit I One-shot
Their captor hummed in contemplation. "This is my show, and whatever I say goes. I think I’ll start by shutting that smart mouth of yours for good." Kakashi closed his eyes, letting out a slow breath. "Take me instead." "But you…you can’t," Sakura said. The words she desperately wanted to tell him refused to come out. (I love you. Please, don’t die.) For KakaSaku Dead Dove Week 2024: Captured by enemies, "Take me instead"
Dancing With a Ghost
Kakashi/Sakura I Rating: Explicit I One-shot
There was nothing else they could do. The talk therapy had failed. So had both rounds of electroshock. (The lightning Kakashi wielded all these years—had it made him immune? Even as Sakura watched his toes and fingers rattle against the table?) But a doctor in Kirigakure, Shizune explained, had recently invented a procedure that settled the overactive zones in the frontal lobes of the brain. Maybe, just maybe, he could be happy again. For KakaSaku Dead Dove Week 2024: Lobotomy
Caught Looking
Shisui/Sakura I Rating: Teen I One-shot
“Go! GO! Shisui-senpai!” Turning toward the bleachers, Shisui spotted a petite girl in the front row waving her pom-poms a little too ardently, her long pink hair whipping through the air. It wasn’t unusual for the cheer squad to practice alongside the baseball team. Shisui just wasn’t used to having such an impassioned admirer—a strikingly pretty one, at that.
So Kiss Me, as I Am Lost
The untenable stress of trying to open the Therapy Center while interning for the Medic Corps. The countless weekends Sakura has had to cancel their plans to work on call. Shisui has always been there to encourage her and uplift her with his love. Now, Sakura feels she no longer deserves it. For Febuwhump 2024, Day 5: CPR
Serendipity and Strawberries
Shisui/Sakura I Rating: Teen I One-shot
Christmas Eve is one of the most romantic days of the year, and Sakura never expected to spend it battling over the last cake at a bakery with a handsome stranger named Shisui. Will a very unmerry mix-up lead to something more?
Serenity and Starlight
Shisui can't wait to count down to the New Year with Sakura, the cutest girl he's met in ages—if he can survive ice skating first. Will their big night out be memorable for all the right reasons? Sequel to "Serendipity and Strawberries"
The Sweetest Sting
Sasori/Sakura I Rating: Explicit I One-shot
“You want me to mark you,” Sasori says. "Claim you." He sounds faintly wounded by it, as if he never expected her suggestion to hit him so hard. (In which Sasori gives Sakura a very intimate tattoo.) For Sasori Week 2023, Day 4: Love
I Should Call This Phantasm Real Enough
Hashirama/MadaraI Rating: Explicit I One-shot
Months had passed since that night, yet Madara can still recall the sensation of Hashirama's fingertips tracing his jaw, their synchronized breath. In his memory, Madara watches the indecorous scene between them unfold—this time, as a voyeur of his self-undoing.
At Her Command
Sasori/Sakura I Rating: Explicit I One-shot
During her goodwill mission in Suna, Sakura never expects to develop a rapport with Sasori, let alone date him—or dominate him. He may be the fifth Kazekage, but she wields the power behind closed doors. (In which Sakura pegs Sasori.)
Afternoon Delight
Kakashi/Sakura I Rating: Explicit I One-shot
Exhausted, Kakashi rushes to wrap up baking for a major dessert festival when he gets hit by unsavory cravings for Sakura. Her sweet and suggestive texts don’t exactly keep his fantasies in check.
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